Hyper Intelligence

Enrich the applications you use with information. Reduce the time spent searching in other applications and improve your efficiency.

Hyper Intelligence

Enrich the applications you use with information. Reduce the time spent searching in other applications and improve your efficiency.

Hyper Intelligence

Enrich the applications you use with information. Reduce the time spent searching in other applications and improve your efficiency.

Only 3% of real-time decisions are based on data.

Every day, we all make real-time decisions. Although there are AI, BI, ERPs, excels systems, we must go to applications to find the information, if we do it.

This has consequences:

  • on our productivity

  • on the quality of our decisions

  • on our fatigue and our psychological decline

HyperIntelligence is the solution to this problem.

Instead of us going to the information, it brings the information where we need it, to the web applications we use, to the email, or the mobile.

What is HyperIntelligence?

It is a service that allows us to upgrade the applications we use by adding information from other systems in the form of HyperCards.

HyperCards can contain information, next-action suggestions, and embedded actions, upgrading our applications and the way we work.

HyperIntelligence is an innovative application of MicroStrategy. Seven Red Lines, as a partner in Greece, provides this functionality as a service or installs it in your systems and collaborates with you to upgrade the way you work and increase your productivity.

Improve the efficiency of applications and web portals.

Reduce context switching between applications

SRL Hyperintelligence - chrome logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - slack logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - outlook logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - SAP logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - salesforce logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - linkedin logo


Web applications can be upgraded with HyperIntelligence by adding the corresponding browser extension for Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Examples of applications: 

  • Talent acquisition on LinkedIn

  • Management on Jira

  • Salesforce

  • ERP


Microsoft Outlook is being upgraded with the corresponding add-in, and Hyper cards are provided according to keywords in email addresses, in the subject, or the body of the emails. 

Examples of Applications:

  • Customer Support

  • Corporate HR

  • Supplier overview

  • Product information


With the corresponding application on iOS and Android, you receive the information on your mobile.

Application Examples:

  • Meeting notifications

  • Product information (barcode scan)

  • Loyalty programs

Only 3% of real-time decisions are based on data.

Every day, we all make real-time decisions. Although there are AI, BI, ERPs, excels systems, we must go to applications to find the information, if we do it.

This has consequences:

  • on our productivity

  • on the quality of our decisions

  • on our fatigue and our psychological decline

HyperIntelligence is the solution to this problem.

Instead of us going to the information, it brings the information where we need it, to the web applications we use, to the email, or the mobile.

What is HyperIntelligence?

It is a service that allows us to upgrade the applications we use by adding information from other systems in the form of HyperCards.

HyperCards can contain information, next-action suggestions, and embedded actions, upgrading our applications and the way we work.

HyperIntelligence is an innovative application of MicroStrategy. Seven Red Lines, as a partner in Greece, provides this functionality as a service or installs it in your systems and collaborates with you to upgrade the way you work and increase your productivity.

Improve the efficiency of applications and web portals.

Reduce context switching between applications

SRL Hyperintelligence - chrome logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - slack logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - outlook logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - SAP logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - salesforce logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - linkedin logo


Web applications can be upgraded with HyperIntelligence by adding the corresponding browser extension for Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Examples of applications: 

  • Talent acquisition on LinkedIn

  • Management on Jira

  • Salesforce

  • ERP


Microsoft Outlook is being upgraded with the corresponding add-in, and Hyper cards are provided according to keywords in email addresses, in the subject, or the body of the emails. 

Examples of Applications:

  • Customer Support

  • Corporate HR

  • Supplier overview

  • Product information


With the corresponding application on iOS and Android, you receive the information on your mobile.

Application Examples:

  • Meeting notifications

  • Product information (barcode scan)

  • Loyalty programs

Only 3% of real-time decisions are based on data.

Every day, we all make real-time decisions. Although there are AI, BI, ERPs, excels systems, we must go to applications to find the information, if we do it.

This has consequences:

  • on our productivity

  • on the quality of our decisions

  • on our fatigue and our psychological decline

HyperIntelligence is the solution to this problem.

Instead of us going to the information, it brings the information where we need it, to the web applications we use, to the email, or the mobile.

What is HyperIntelligence?

It is a service that allows us to upgrade the applications we use by adding information from other systems in the form of HyperCards.

HyperCards can contain information, next-action suggestions, and embedded actions, upgrading our applications and the way we work.

HyperIntelligence is an innovative application of MicroStrategy. Seven Red Lines, as a partner in Greece, provides this functionality as a service or installs it in your systems and collaborates with you to upgrade the way you work and increase your productivity.

Improve the efficiency of applications and web portals.

Reduce context switching between applications

SRL Hyperintelligence - chrome logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - slack logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - outlook logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - SAP logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - salesforce logo
SRL Hyperintelligence - linkedin logo


Web applications can be upgraded with HyperIntelligence by adding the corresponding browser extension for Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Examples of applications: 

  • Talent acquisition on LinkedIn

  • Management on Jira

  • Salesforce

  • ERP


Microsoft Outlook is being upgraded with the corresponding add-in, and Hyper cards are provided according to keywords in email addresses, in the subject, or the body of the emails. 

Examples of Applications:

  • Customer Support

  • Corporate HR

  • Supplier overview

  • Product information


With the corresponding application on iOS and Android, you receive the information on your mobile.

Application Examples:

  • Meeting notifications

  • Product information (barcode scan)

  • Loyalty programs

Are you looking for the next big step in your business?

We are here to comprehend your needs and develop solutions that will boost the performance of your business.

Are you looking for the next big step in your business?

We are here to comprehend your needs and develop solutions that will boost the performance of your business.

Are you looking for the next big step in your business?

We are here to comprehend your needs and develop solutions that will boost the performance of your business.